
the temptations top songs my girl

When did my Girl by the Temptations become popular?

答:Billboard rated the song as the tenth biggest hit of 1965, and it was a pivotal track on group’s magical The Temptations Sing Smokey, their second album, and an all-time Motown classic. “My Girl” was far from done. Otis Redding gave it a rawer approach and his version made No. 11 in the UK.

What was the Temptations first hit song?

答:After “My Girl,” they scored a further 23. It was their first single to feature David Ruffin as lead vocalist, who had joined the group in January 1964. The Temptations’ founder and last original member, baritone singer Otis Williams, remembered: “Our real big one, our first million-seller, was “My Girl,” which came out in ’65.

What makes the Temptations’ ‘My Girl’ a great soul song?

答:With The Smokey Robinson-penned ‘My Girl,’ The Temptations created a keystone soul song that put the group on the map, adding to Motown’s winning streak. Dub der-nern, dub der-nern… That little guitar lick is not remotely emphatic. It’s not loud, not heavy. There is nothing about it that is gimmicky, and it uses just two notes of a major scale.

Are the Temptations a major star?

答:It made The Temptations, a gifted vocal quintet that had been cutting records since 1961, major stars. Before “My Girl,” the group had scored just one placing in the US singles Top 20.

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the temptations top songs my girl
2024-04-23 17:45