
my girl temptations youtube original

When did my Girl by the temptations come out?

答:2:55 "My Girl" is a 1964 song recorded by The Temptations for the Gordy (Motown) label which became a number one hit in 1965. "My Girl" is a 1964 song recorded by The Temptations for the Gordy (Motown) label which became a number one hit in 1965.

What year did the Temptations record a song for You?

答:The Temptations are also the very first group awarded Favorite Soul/R&B Band/Duo/Vocal Group at the inaugural American Music Award’s program in 1974. By 1975, The Temptations have recorded, A Song for You, another #1 R&B chart album, that wins the 1976 American Music Award for Best Soul/R&B Album.

Who wrote The Temptations' first number one song?

答:Written and produced by The Miracles members Smokey Robinson and Ronald White, the song became the Temptations' first U.S. number-one single, and is today their signature song. Robinson's inspiration for writing this song was his wife, Miracles member Claudette Rogers Robinson. The song was later featured on the album Anthology.

Who wrote the song my Girl?

答:Robinson's inspiration for writing this song was his wife, Miracles member Claudette Rogers Robinson. The song was later featured on the album Anthology. "My Girl" is a 1964 song recorded by The Temptations for the Gordy (Motown) label which became a number one hit in 1965.

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my girl temptations youtube original
2024-04-24 17:46