
golden girls music

What is the Golden Girls'theme song?

答:What is the Golden Girls' theme song? The Golden Girls song was called Thank You For Being a Friend. The catchy tune is a nod to the friendship of the four characters in the show. The smash hit show ran on NBC from September 1985 to May1992, with a total of 180 half-hour episodes, spanning seven seasons.

What awards did the Golden Girls win?

答:The Golden Girls received critical acclaim throughout its run, and won several awards. This included seeing each of the four stars receive an Emmy Award, making it one of only four sitcoms in the award's history to achieve this. Who sang The Golden Girls' theme song?

Who sang the Golden Girls song Thank you for being a friend?

答:However, for the Golden Girls a shorter version was recorded by Cynthia Fee. Cynthia was a well known jingle singer in the 80s, but also had her own band called Cindy Fee and Cin City. After the success of Thank You For Being a Friend, she went on to do a duet with Kenny Rogers on his song I Don't Want To Know Why from his 1984 album What About Me?

Who sang the Golden Girls’ song ‘Marry Me Again’?

答:The song was written and originally recorded by Andrew Gold in 1978. It was a popular tune and at the time reached No25 in the Billboard charts. However, for the Golden Girls a shorter version was recorded by Cynthia Fee. Cynthia was a well known jingle singer in the 80s, but also had her own band called Cindy Fee and Cin City.

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golden girls music
2024-04-25 18:29